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Before it hits the local headlines...

Next week an Anne Arundel County Circuit Court will have the initial hearing of a case filed by several churches seeking disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church. That's not us. We remain glad to be a part of the United Methodist Connection and will continue to follow Jesus. We want to be clear about where our church specifically stands in relation to this:

  • Our church is a place where everyone is welcome, loved, and respected. We believe that all people are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity.

  • We stand with our LGBTQ+ siblings and allies in the fight for equality and justice. We believe that everyone should have the right to live authentically and to be loved for who they are.

  • We are committed to creating a community where everyone feels safe and welcome. We believe that diversity is a strength, and we celebrate the unique gifts and experiences that everyone brings to our community.

  • We are praying for a just and equitable outcome to the current court case. We trust that God's love will prevail, and that all people will be treated with fairness and respect.

If you or someone you know are searching for a new church home, we invite you to join us.

There is room for all.


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