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How and what to give?

Wondering how to express your gratitude? Eastport United Methodist Church welcomes you to explore giving, not as a duty, but as a joyful response to God's blessings. Discover how your contributions can touch lives in our community and beyond. 

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Sharing Our Blessings at Eastport United Methodist Church

At Eastport United Methodist Church, we believe in living a life of gratitude and generosity. We're a community of faith where everyone is welcome, and that includes those seeking ways to express their thankfulness through giving.


While the Bible mentions tithing, the act of giving ten percent of one's income, we at Eastport United Methodist Church don't view it as a rigid requirement. Instead, we encourage a spirit of joyful giving, a heartfelt response to the blessings God has bestowed upon you.


Your contributions, no matter the size, make a real difference. They help us maintain our beautiful church building, a haven for worship and community gatherings. They allow us to continue offering vital programs like our children's ministry and our weekly soup kitchen that feeds those in need. But the impact extends far beyond the walls of our church.


Through your generosity, we support the wider mission of the United Methodist Church. We contribute to global initiatives that spread the message of hope and love, and we empower local ministries that serve our Annapolis community.


Giving isn't limited to finances. We deeply value the time and talents our members share. Volunteering with our youth group, helping with the annual bake sale, or simply offering a helping hand to a fellow member – these acts of service are equally important expressions of generosity.


When deciding how to give, we encourage you to reflect on your own blessings. What are you grateful for? How can you use your resources, financial or otherwise, to honor God and serve your community? There's no right or wrong answer – the key is to give with a joyful heart.

We understand that financial situations vary. There's no pressure to give a specific amount.


Whether it's a regular contribution or a one-time gift, your participation, big or small, strengthens our church family and allows us to continue serving those around us.


If you'd like to learn more about stewardship or have any questions about giving, please don't hesitate to reach out to our pastors. We're always happy to have a conversation and help you find ways to share your blessings at Eastport United Methodist Church.

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