There are a number of other ways you can find and give support. Click on the title of each section to learn more.

There is nothing quite like having a network of people who know what your journey is like. We are host to four different recovery groups throughout the week. Click on the Recovery Group tab to learn more.
We are called to simultaneously gather around the table for worship and ensure that all children of God have enough food on their own table. On the third Saturday of each month we host a food pantry for all who are in need. Volunteers should arrive at 10 to prepare for it to begin at 11am. This is a tremendous opportunity to connect. There are plenty of longstanding relationships developed here and we love to see families and friends grow because of it.
Small Groups, Book Studies, and Bible Studies
From time to time we offer small groups to have fun, read, and grow together. Keep a look out in our monthly newsletter, The Spire, for upcoming studies.
This longstanding program offers after-school assistance to elementary and kindergarten children. It also serves pre-kindergarten kids who are enrolled in a formal program. Volunteers from the church and the community help students with their homework; provide the opportunity to strengthen their reading, writing, comprehension, math and analytical skills (more than 400 books have been donated for this purpose); and engage in other educational activities such as a board game, a puzzle, or drawings. Participants meet twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. at the church, 926 Bay Ridge Avenue in Annapolis. Volunteers are not expected to attend all sessions. They can come as often as their schedules allow. No special training or credentials are needed. Contact the church office for more information.