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Ash Wednesday, Lent, & Holy Week

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent is a wonderful season that the church gives to us and has marked as a season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus. For centuries Lent has been a season of re-centering, refocusing, turning away from that which pulls us away from God/turning toward that which brings us closer. Join us as we mark the beginning of this season with a strong reminder of God's forgiveness. 


The Ash Wednesday Service will be March 5, 2025 at 7 pm in the church sanctuary.


Throughout the season of Lent we will commit to being people of prayer- that is, to be in conversation with God; refraining from something so that we can draw closer to God; and expressing generosity of spirit/resources to those who are most in need.


Holy Week & Easter

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday (April 13, 10 am) where we walk with Jesus through the last moments of his life to prepare ourselves for the resurrection of Jesus. 


We gather around the Table on Maundy Thursday (April 17, 7 pm) and remember Jesus' mandate to love. On Good Friday we gather around the cross at noon, to recount the depth of love that God has for us.


We invite you to celebrate the power of life over death at an Sunrise service at Thomas Point State Park. The service on April 20 will begin around 6 am, you are encouraged to dress for warmth and bring a lawn chair.


Finally, we gather at 10 am in the church sanctuary for a festive celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and God's redeeming love for the world. 


Join us on this journey!​​

Daily Devotionals

Several clergy within the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church have assembled a Holy Week guide with daily meditations. We hope that you find it meaningful during this time.

926 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403

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