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BACKPACK BUDDIES Weekend Food Program begins!

In September, Eastport United Methodist Church began partnering with 'Services from the Heart’ (SFTH), a local Anne Arundel Co Charity and Partner of the AACo Food Bank’s Backpack Buddy program.   EUMC offered SFTH a picnic table and two parking spaces where the SFTH volunteers can distribute backpacks of food to 33 Eastport Elementary school kids registered in the Free And Reduced Meal (FaRM) weekend food program.   These FaRM students live in Madison St, Harbor House, and Eastport Terrace. They walk over during Friday’s lunch/recess break. If you’re ever helping Chris and Jo Ann with recording a service on a Friday between 11:30am-12noon on October 2, Nov 6 or Dec 4, please welcome the SFTH volunteers Dave & Renee and say hi to Deborah, the Eastport Elementary school Counselor.

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