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Re-Entry Update

Eastport United Methodist’s Re-entry Task Force met at the end of October and developed a plan regarding the activities of the church to provide certainty over the next several months. We foresee the current conditions of this pandemic to continue (and perhaps worsen) throughout winter. In addition to continuing our online worship format we envision several new and quite creative worship and gathering opportunities for our church this holiday season!

Our Re-entry Task Force unanimously decided to maintain our current course of virtual worship and they will revisit the decision prior to March 1, 2021. We believe that taking a more conservative approach will keep us all healthy and well! We are excited to present the following holiday events to supplement and enhance our online worship and fellowship time. Check out the schedule below and we will be sure to provide you with dates and times so you can mark your calendars!

  • Online Advent Devotional here at

  • Festivus Celebration (December 23rd at 7 pm)

  • Blue Christmas Virtual Service (December 21st at 7 pm)

  • Christmas Eve Virtual Service (December 24 at 5 pm)

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on the Lawn (December 24 at 7 pm)

  • New Year’s Eve Interfaith Virtual Service (December 31 at 7 pm)

  • Epiphany Bonfire and Service of Lights (January 6 at 7 pm)

  • Stories of Love (February 14)

Our prayer for us is to remain a people who are committed to the way of Grace by practicing patience with one another, our coworkers, and ourselves. There will be many opportunities for us to serve as the body of Christ whether virtually or safely in-person. You are all such a blessing and we are grateful for your encouragement and support.

Grace & peace, Pastor Chris & the Re-entry Team

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