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Advent Devotional - Dec. 16

Hymn – Blessed by the God of Israel

This hymn was written by Michael Perry, an Anglican priest whose passion was to revitalize the Psalms with metrical hymnody. This hymn has it’s biblical foundation in Luke 1:68-79. We sing of the forerunner and the herald – referring to John the Baptizer. And we are reminded of Christ, our redeemer, bringer of peace and forgiveness. The final line points to our future – our songs in heaven will never cease. Perhaps, our songs now, will offer us the hope of Christ who sets us free not just in the future, but each day.

Prayer: Christ who frees us, remind us that your freedom is just for the future, but it is for today. Free us from bondage to self-will, self-loathing, and judgment of others. Grant us the joy of singing endlessly the freedom of forgiveness. Amen.

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