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Easter, Still.

Beloved of Eastport United Methodist Church,

Happy Easter! 

No, while I am approaching stir crazy, I have not completely lost it. It is still Easter!  (Kids- use this opportunity to eat more candy!) 

Easter is not just a day, it is a season. This season spans 50 days, and has been aptly called throughout church history: The Great Fifty Days. It is a season of joy, celebrating, feasting, rejoicing. It's great. You get the picture. 

However, this is a hard time in the life of the world to celebrate, to rejoice. What's so great about these 50 days during the pandemic? So this Sunday, my sermon is titled: When Easter Stinks.

I hope that you will check in for worship, give, access the bulletin, view the resources for children and families on Sunday at Be sure to stick around for coffee hour following the service, the Zoom invitation will be emailed tomorrow (Saturday). 

Grace and peace,

Pastor Chris


Our building remains closed. Administrative Council Meeting April 26, 4 pm. Zoom invitation will be sent this week. Message Pastor Chris or the office for the Zoom invitation if you didn't receive it. Zoom Coffee Hour following this Sunday’s service. Check your email (spam folder included) for the Zoom Invitation or let Pastor Chris you need one. (We keep the invitation private to keep the meeting secure, but we are more than happy to share the invitation with you). 


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