We'll gather together in the Sanctuary on March 2, Ash Wednesday at 7 pm for this holy day. On this day, we recognize the depth of God's grace even with all our brokenness, gifts, and doubts.
Weekly Lenten Study
You are invited to a Lenten study on Thursday evenings at 7 pm, beginning March 3, ending with the Maundy Thursday Service. The study will coincide with our Lenten sermon series, “Full to the Brim: An Expansive Life.” We’ll reflect on scripture, poems, art, and hymns that are filled with promises of God’s abundant and expansive grace. Our aim is to grow together as we pursue justice and hope. Let us discover the expansive life God dreams for us. Email Pastor Chris at chris@eastportumc.org with your interest!
Sundays in Lent
The scriptures for this Lenten season are filled with parables and promises of God’s abundant and expansive grace. Jesus as a mother hen, a prodigal son welcomed home, a fig tree nurtured with care and hope, precious oil poured out lovingly and freely, stones shouting out with praise — these sacred texts are brimming with a gospel of grace. We’ve done nothing to deserve or earn this grace, and yet, like water, it spills over. Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 am as we worship and grow more in our understanding of God's abundant grace.
Holy Week
We will begin holy week with Palm Sunday worship, singing songs of joy and praise; then, throughout the week we will gradually turn our eyes towards the last days of Jesus' life Maundy Thursday (7pm) and Good Friday (noon).
Easter Sunrise at Thomas Point
"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning..." (Luke 24)
Each Easter we gather at Thomas Point to celebrate that Christ is Risen. This year our service will begin at 6:30 am. Please feel free to bring a lawn chair and dress appropriately for the weather.
Easter Sanctuary Service
At 10 am on April 17 we will join with Christians around the world in celebrating the resurrection of Christ. Come and gather as we sing and proclaim God's magnificent grace.